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Buy Ubie Vaporizer



n celebration of the year 2000, the 'Cylinder Vape'(c) was created to reduce the health consequences of smoking.

Since then this product is available to those who wish to moderate their intake.

The Ubie Vaporizer helps save lives.
It's portable and works with an inexpencive lighter!
The ultimate vape.

We accept CHECKS by mail.

U.S. pat. 7,415,982 (c) 2001, 2008, 2023
You must be 18 or older to use this website.

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About - - - Buy the Ubie - - - Reviews - - - Links - - - Contact

The Ubie vape allows vapor without combustion and is believed to be 10 times less toxic than smoking. The Ubie vaporizer is the original and best. Enjoy rich flavor and aroma without harsh woodsmoke.

Here are some other languages!

Naturellement, nous embrassons les ventes à des Français. J'espère que vous aimez notre texte de présentation google traduction. Le Ubie est le plus léger,le plus rapide plus efficace et fiable. Fonctionne avec un briquet et disponible en 1, 2 et 6 pack. La page principale en anglais, mais les boutons sont faciles. Donc, Voila.

Die Deutschen lieben Technik und wenn sie rauchen das ist ein guter Weg, um Rauch
zu reduzieren. Die Ubie Licht schnell und effizient. Und arbeitet mit einem Feuerzeug!
Sie können die Ubie in der kalten Jahreszeit wärmen, füllen Sie es ein wenig oder viel.
Und sie sind inexpensive. Sie kommen in 1, 2 oder 6. Sie sind großartig.

Si usted fuma en español, por favor, comprar el Ubie en Inglés. Esta tecnología
apasionado es, con mucho, una delicia para el fumador consciente de la salud.
90% menos tóxico que el humo, el vapor es una alternativa fresca luz. Y saludable.
Vienen es 1, 2 ó 6 packs. Si usted fuma, uso de Ubie!

Nulla è così bella come la vostra salute. Vapor è del 90% il fumo meno tossici.
E Ubie è l'ORIGINALE. Funziona con un accendino! È delizioso. La fragranza senza
fumo è meraviglioso ed è delightfull curve sono una gioia per gli occhi. Se fumate,
utilizzare un Ubie.


Translate from: German






Ubie Buharlastirici tasinabilir ve bir çakmak ile çalisiyor!
Bu bitkisel sigara için idealdir, cam ve Tasinabilir ve ucuz ve sigara içenler için
bir yanmamis buhar kalitesi üretir türünün en iyi ürün yapilmis. Eger sigara içiyorsaniz,
bir Ubie kullanin lütfen.

The Ideal Portable vaporizer.(U.S. patent 7415982)
Works with a lighter! Light, fast, versitile. Dry leaf, wax or oils.

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The Ubie is the modern vaporizer. 
Warm air vaporizes quickly and efficiently.  
The clean air above a butane flame is H2O and co2.
The Ubie works with a lighter. 
Reliable heat source. No coils or batteries.  
No rare earth elements. No battery chemicals.
Just pure fine vapor.

The Ubie is not licensed to other styles or companies.

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(C) AmericanSmokeless.Com 2023
Box 27068 Market Square Station Philadelphia, PA 19118
Since 2000(c)